home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /*
- SynchTest.c
- Test program for exploring relationship between number of objects, object move,
- object update interval, and frame update interval
- 1/29/94
- Al Evans
- */
- #ifdef applec
- #ifndef PRELOAD
- #pragma load "::ToolKit.precompile"
- #define PRELOAD
- #endif
- #else
- #include <QDOffscreen.h>
- #endif
- #include <Timer.h>
- #include <GestaltEqu.h>
- #include "GUtilities.h"
- #include "GrowWindConst.h"
- #include "GraphElements.h"
- #include "GridElement.h"
- #include "SynchGraphic.h"
- #include "Meter.h"
- #include "GELogo.h"
- //define HISTOGRAM to collect times history
- #undef HISTOGRAM
- #ifdef HISTOGRAM
- #include "StdIO.h"
- #endif
- //define PERFORMANCE to collect profiling data for MPW
- #include <Perf.h>
- #endif
- //define DOPROFILE for Think C profiler
- #undef DOPROFILE
- #ifdef THINK_C
- #ifdef DOPROFILE
- #include <StdIO.h>
- #include <Profile.h>
- #endif
- #endif
- //Menu Commands
- #define rMenuBar 128 /* application's menu bar */
- #define mApple 128 /* Apple menu */
- #define iAbout 1
- #define mFile 129 /* File menu */
- #define iQuit 1
- #define mEdit 130 /* Edit menu */
- #define iUndo 1
- #define iCut 3
- #define iCopy 4
- #define iPaste 5
- #define iClear 6
- #define mSpecial 131
- #define iSetParams 1
- #define iMeter 2
- #define iTiming 3
- #define iSingleFrame 4
- #define rAboutDialog 228
- #define rUserAlert 129
- #define rPerfAlert 300
- #define rSetParamsDialog 135
- //Resource numbers of graphic PICTs
- #define rBkgPic 200
- //Number of master pointer blocks needed
- #define masterBlocksNeeded 10
- //Globals
- TP2PerfGlobals thePGlobals;
- #endif
- Boolean gFinished;
- WindowPtr gAnimWindow;
- Boolean gSingleFrame = false;
- Boolean gDoOne = false;
- Boolean gMeterShown = true;
- Rect gWorldBaseRect;
- Rect gWorldLimRect;
- //Performance measurement
- #define thirtySeconds 30L * 1000 * 1000 //µsec for timers -- never time out
- TMTask gTTimeTask, gATimeTask;
- unsigned long gTotalTime = 0, gAnimTime = 0;
- #ifdef HISTOGRAM
- long autoChgTimes[100];
- long postChgTimes[100];
- long udOffScrTimes[100];
- long copyTimes[100];
- long totalTimes[100];
- #endif
- //QD Globals for PowerPC
- #if __ppcc
- QDGlobals qd;
- #endif
- //Forward declarations
- #ifdef applec
- extern void _DataInit(); //reference so that we can unload it
- #endif
- Boolean Initialize( void );
- void Shutdown(void);
- void EventLoop( void );
- main()
- {
- #ifdef applec
- UnloadSeg((Ptr) _DataInit);
- #endif
- #ifdef THINK_C
- #ifdef DOPROFILE
- InitProfile(200,200);
- freopen("TCProfile.out", "w", stdout);
- #endif
- #endif
- MaxApplZone();
- if ( Initialize() )
- EventLoop();
- #ifdef THINK_C
- #ifdef DOPROFILE
- DumpProfile();
- // fflush(stdout);
- // fclose(stdout);
- #endif
- #endif
- Shutdown();
- }
- //Initialization
- Boolean AdequateSystem(void)
- {
- OSErr err;
- long response;
- Boolean ok;
- //We need 68020 or better
- err = Gestalt(gestaltProcessorType, &response);
- ok = (!err) & (response >= gestalt68020);
- //We need System 7 or later
- err = Gestalt(gestaltSystemVersion, &response);
- ok = (!err) & (((response & 0xFFFF) / 256) >= 7);
- //We need color QD & offscreen GWorlds
- err = Gestalt(gestaltQuickdrawVersion, &response);
- ok = ok & (!err) & (response >= gestalt32BitQD);
- err = Gestalt(gestaltQuickdrawFeatures, &response);
- ok = ok & (!err) & (response >= 3); //hasColor & deep GWorlds
- return ok;
- }
- //Make window centered on main graphic device
- WindowPtr MakeWindow(short wHSize, short wVSize)
- {
- GDHandle mainDevice;
- Rect devRect;
- short hOffst, vOffst;
- Rect windRect;
- mainDevice = GetMainDevice();
- devRect = (**mainDevice).gdRect;
- gWorldLimRect.top = wVSize / 2;
- gWorldLimRect.left = wHSize / 2;
- gWorldLimRect.bottom = RectHeight(&devRect);
- gWorldLimRect.right = RectWidth(&devRect);
- hOffst = (devRect.right - devRect.left - wHSize) / 2;
- if (hOffst < 0) hOffst = 0;
- vOffst = (devRect.bottom - devRect.top - wVSize) / 2;
- if (vOffst < 0 ) vOffst = 0;
- windRect.left = hOffst;
- windRect.right = hOffst + wHSize;
- windRect.top = vOffst;
- windRect.bottom = vOffst + wVSize;
- return NewCWindow(nil, &windRect, "\pSynch Test", false, documentProc,
- (WindowPtr) -1L, false, 0L);
- }
- void InitPerformanceTiming(void)
- {
- //Init Timers
- gTTimeTask.tmAddr = nil;
- gTTimeTask.tmWakeUp = 0;
- gTTimeTask.tmReserved = 0;
- gATimeTask.tmAddr = nil;
- gATimeTask.tmWakeUp = 0;
- gATimeTask.tmReserved = 0;
- }
- Boolean LoadBackground(GEWorldPtr world)
- {
- GrafElPtr bkg;
- //if (bkg = NewBasicPICT(world, 'BKG ', 1, rBkgPic, srcCopy, 0, 0))
- if (bkg = NewGridPICT(world, 'BKG ', 1, rBkgPic, srcCopy, 0, 0, 128, 128))
- return true;
- return false;
- }
- Boolean AddGrowBox(GEWorldPtr world)
- {
- GrafElPtr growBox;
- growBox = NewBasicPICT(world, 'GBOX', 32100, 20000, srcCopy,
- gWorldBaseRect.right - 15, gWorldBaseRect.bottom - 15);
- return (growBox != nil);
- }
- Boolean InitializeGEWorld(WindowPtr window, Rect * refRect, Rect *actRect)
- {
- Fixed propH, propV;
- Fixed worldScale;
- GEWorldPtr animWorld;
- propH = (RectWidth(actRect) * 65536) / RectWidth(refRect);
- propV = (RectHeight(actRect) * 65536) / RectHeight(refRect);
- worldScale = (propH > propV?propH:propV);
- animWorld = NewGEWorld(window, refRect, worldScale , nil);
- if (animWorld == nil) {
- TellUser("\pCould not create new GEWorld.", 0);
- return false;
- }
- if (!LoadBackground(animWorld)) {
- TellUser("\pCould not load background", 0);
- return false;
- }
- if (!InitObjectGraphics(animWorld)) {
- TellUser("\pCould not load test graphic", 0);
- return false;
- }
- if (!LoadUsageMeterScene(animWorld)) {
- TellUser("\pCould not load usage meter", 0);
- return false;
- }
- if (!LoadLogoScene(animWorld)) {
- TellUser("\pCould not load GE logo", 0);
- return false;
- }
- if (!AddGrowBox(animWorld)) {
- TellUser("\pCould not add grow box", 0);
- return false;
- }
- //Reposition meter a little to the left
- MoveElement(animWorld, meterBkgID, -100, 0);
- SetWRefCon(gAnimWindow, (long) animWorld);
- return true;
- }
- //Tacky import from SynchGraphic
- extern Ptr objMask;
- void ChangeWorldSize(WindowPtr window, short newWidth, short newHeight)
- {
- Rect animRect;
- //Save window setup
- long oNumObj = GetNumberOfObjects();
- long oMoveDist = GetMoveDistance();
- long oSep = GetObjSeparation();
- long oObjUpdate = GetUpdateInterval();
- Boolean oMovement = MotionIsLinear();
- Boolean collision = ObjCollisionActive();
- DisposeGEWorld((GEWorldPtr) GetWRefCon(window));
- DisposPtr(objMask);
- SetRect(&animRect, 0, 0, newWidth, newHeight);
- if (!InitializeGEWorld(window, &gWorldBaseRect, &animRect)) {
- TellUser("\pCould not resize animated world.", 0);
- ExitToShell();
- }
- //Restore window setup
- SetMoveDistance((GEWorldPtr) GetWRefCon(window), oMoveDist);
- SetObjSeparation((GEWorldPtr) GetWRefCon(window), oSep);
- SetUpdateInterval((GEWorldPtr) GetWRefCon(window), oObjUpdate);
- SetObjMotionLinear(oMovement);
- SetNumberOfObjects((GEWorldPtr) GetWRefCon(window), oNumObj);
- SetObjCollision((GEWorldPtr) GetWRefCon(window), collision);
- ActivateWorld((GEWorldPtr) GetWRefCon(window), true);
- }
- Boolean Initialize(void)
- {
- Rect animRect;
- GEWorldPtr animWorld;
- #ifdef HISTOGRAM
- short count;
- #endif
- gFinished = false;
- InitSystem(masterBlocksNeeded);
- if (!AdequateSystem()) {
- TellUser("\pSorry, more powerful system required", 0);
- return false;
- }
- if (!LoadMenus(rMenuBar)) {
- TellUser("\pCould not load menus", 0);
- return false;
- }
- gAnimWindow = MakeWindow(512, 364);
- if (gAnimWindow == nil) {
- TellUser("\pCould not create window", 0);
- return false;
- }
- SetRect(&gWorldBaseRect, 0, 0, 512, 364);
- animRect = gWorldBaseRect;
- if (!InitializeGEWorld(gAnimWindow, &gWorldBaseRect, &animRect)) {
- TellUser("\pCould not create animated world.", 0);
- return false;
- }
- InitPerformanceTiming();
- #ifdef HISTOGRAM
- for (count = 0; count < 100; count++) {
- autoChgTimes[count] = 0;
- postChgTimes[count] = 0;
- udOffScrTimes[count] = 0;
- copyTimes[count] = 0;
- totalTimes[count] = 0;
- }
- #endif
- thePGlobals = nil;
- if (!InitPerf( &thePGlobals, 10, 8, true, true, "\pCODE", 0, "\p", false, 0L, 0L, 0) ){
- TellUser("\pCould not initialize profiling", 0);
- return false;
- }
- #endif
- //Turn animation on and show window
- SetObjMotionLinear(false);
- SetNumberOfObjects((GEWorldPtr) GetWRefCon(gAnimWindow), 4);
- SetObjCollision((GEWorldPtr) GetWRefCon(gAnimWindow), true);
- #if FORPPC
- TellUser("\pGoing to activate world", 0);
- #endif
- ActivateWorld((GEWorldPtr) GetWRefCon(gAnimWindow), true);
- #if FORPPC
- TellUser("\pGoing to show window", 0);
- #endif
- ShowWindow(gAnimWindow);
- }
- #ifdef HISTOGRAM
- void DumpHistograms(void)
- {
- short count;
- FILE* dump;
- dump = fopen("HistoDump", "w");
- for (count = 0; count < 100; count++)
- fprintf(dump, "%d\t\t%d\t\t%d\t\t%d\t\t%d\t\t%d\n", count, autoChgTimes[count],
- postChgTimes[count], udOffScrTimes[count], copyTimes[count], totalTimes[count]);
- fflush(dump);
- fclose(dump);
- }
- #endif
- void Shutdown(void)
- {
- OSErr err;
- #endif
- //Release system resources
- #ifdef HISTOGRAM
- DumpHistograms();
- #endif
- err = PerfDump(thePGlobals, "\pPerform.out", false, 0);
- #endif
- StopGETimer((GEWorldPtr) GetWRefCon(gAnimWindow));
- ExitToShell();
- }
- #ifdef HISTOGRAM
- void RunHistogram(void)
- {
- if (gAutoChgTime < 100)
- autoChgTimes[gAutoChgTime]++;
- else
- autoChgTimes[100]++;
- if (gPostChgTime < 100)
- postChgTimes[gPostChgTime]++;
- else
- postChgTimes[100]++;
- if (gUDOffScrTime < 100)
- udOffScrTimes[gUDOffScrTime]++;
- else
- udOffScrTimes[100]++;
- if (gCopyTime < 100)
- copyTimes[gCopyTime]++;
- else
- copyTimes[100]++;
- if (gTtlLoopTime < 100)
- totalTimes[gTtlLoopTime]++;
- else
- totalTimes[100]++;
- }
- #else
- void RunHistogram(void)
- {
- }
- #endif
- void RunMeterAnimation(short ms)
- {
- static short setting = 0;
- if (gMeterShown && (ms > 1)) {
- if (ms == setting)
- return;
- if (ms > setting)
- setting++;
- else
- if (ms < setting)
- setting--;
- SetMeterReading((GEWorldPtr) GetWRefCon(gAnimWindow), 2 * setting);
- }
- }
- void DisplayPerformance(long frames, long seconds)
- {
- Str255 framesString, secondsString, fpsString;
- long fps;
- NumToString(frames, framesString);
- NumToString(seconds, secondsString);
- fps = (seconds > 0) ? frames / seconds : frames;
- NumToString(fps, fpsString);
- ParamText(framesString, secondsString, fpsString, "\p");
- NoteAlert(rPerfAlert, nil);
- }
- void DoTimingLoop(void)
- {
- long ticks;
- short oObjUpdate;
- unsigned long frames, seconds;
- GEWorldPtr world = (GEWorldPtr) GetWRefCon(gAnimWindow);
- oObjUpdate = GetUpdateInterval();
- SetUpdateInterval(world, 1);
- StartGETimer(world);
- ticks = TickCount();
- for (frames = 0; ((TickCount() - ticks) < (30 * 60)) && (!Button()); frames++) {
- DoWorldUpdate(world, false);
- }
- seconds = ((TickCount() - ticks) / 60);
- DisplayPerformance(frames, seconds);
- //SetUpdateInterval(world, oPIntrvl);
- SetUpdateInterval(world, oObjUpdate);
- }
- //Dialog items
- #define dItmNObj 4
- #define dItmMDist 6
- #define dItmSep 8
- #define dItmUpd 10
- #define dItmLinear 11
- #define dItmRandom 12
- #define dItmCollide 13
- void DoSetParams( void )
- {
- DialogPtr frDialog;
- short itemType;
- Handle item;
- Rect okRect;
- Rect itemRect;
- short itemHit;
- Str255 tempStr;
- ControlHandle btnRandom, btnLinear, boxCollide;
- long oNumObj, nNumObj;
- long oMoveDist, nMoveDist;
- long oSep, nSep;
- long oObjUpdate, nObjUpdate;
- Boolean oMovement, nMovement; //linear (true) or random
- Boolean collision; //if random motion, true == collision enabled
- frDialog = GetNewDialog(rSetParamsDialog, nil, (WindowPtr) -1L);
- GetDItem(frDialog, ok, &itemType, &item, &okRect);
- //Present number of objects -> dialog
- oNumObj = GetNumberOfObjects();
- GetDItem(frDialog, dItmNObj, &itemType, &item, &itemRect);
- NumToString(oNumObj, tempStr);
- SetIText(item, tempStr);
- //Present move distance -> dialog
- oMoveDist = GetMoveDistance();
- GetDItem(frDialog, dItmMDist, &itemType, &item, &itemRect);
- NumToString(oMoveDist, tempStr);
- SetIText(item, tempStr);
- //Present object separation -> dialog
- oSep = GetObjSeparation();
- GetDItem(frDialog, dItmSep, &itemType, &item, &itemRect);
- NumToString(oSep, tempStr);
- SetIText(item, tempStr);
- //Present object update interval -> dialog
- oObjUpdate = GetUpdateInterval();
- GetDItem(frDialog, dItmUpd, &itemType, &item, &itemRect);
- NumToString(oObjUpdate, tempStr);
- SetIText(item, tempStr);
- //Get radio buttons, present object motion -> dialog
- oMovement = MotionIsLinear();
- nMovement = oMovement;
- GetDItem(frDialog, dItmLinear, &itemType, (Handle *) &btnLinear, &itemRect);
- GetDItem(frDialog, dItmRandom, &itemType, (Handle *) &btnRandom, &itemRect);
- GetDItem(frDialog, dItmCollide, &itemType, (Handle *) &boxCollide, &itemRect);
- SetCtlValue(btnLinear, oMovement?1:0);
- SetCtlValue(btnRandom, oMovement?0:1);
- collision = ObjCollisionActive();
- HiliteControl(boxCollide, oMovement?255:0);
- SetCtlValue(boxCollide, collision?1:0);
- //Do OK button
- InsetRect(&okRect, -4, -4);
- ShowWindow(frDialog);
- SetPort( (GrafPtr) frDialog);
- PenSize(3, 3);
- FrameRoundRect(&okRect, 16, 16);
- SelIText(frDialog, dItmNObj, 0, 32767);
- do {
- ModalDialog(nil, &itemHit);
- switch (itemHit) {
- case dItmLinear:
- nMovement = true;
- SetCtlValue(btnLinear, 1);
- SetCtlValue(btnRandom, 0);
- HiliteControl(boxCollide, 255);
- break;
- case dItmRandom:
- nMovement = false;
- SetCtlValue(btnLinear, 0);
- SetCtlValue(btnRandom, 1);
- HiliteControl(boxCollide, 0);
- break;
- case dItmCollide:
- SetCtlValue(boxCollide, (GetCtlValue(boxCollide) ==1)?0:1);
- break;
- }
- } while ( (itemHit != ok) && (itemHit != cancel) );
- if (itemHit == ok) {
- //Get new values
- GetDItem(frDialog, dItmNObj, &itemType, &item, &itemRect);
- GetIText(item, tempStr);
- StringToNum(tempStr, &nNumObj);
- GetDItem(frDialog, dItmMDist, &itemType, &item, &itemRect);
- GetIText(item, tempStr);
- StringToNum(tempStr, &nMoveDist);
- GetDItem(frDialog, dItmSep, &itemType, &item, &itemRect);
- GetIText(item, tempStr);
- StringToNum(tempStr, &nSep);
- GetDItem(frDialog, dItmUpd, &itemType, &item, &itemRect);
- GetIText(item, tempStr);
- StringToNum(tempStr, &nObjUpdate);
- if (nMoveDist != oMoveDist)
- SetMoveDistance((GEWorldPtr) GetWRefCon(gAnimWindow), nMoveDist);
- if (nSep != oSep)
- SetObjSeparation((GEWorldPtr) GetWRefCon(gAnimWindow), nSep);
- if (nObjUpdate != oObjUpdate)
- SetUpdateInterval((GEWorldPtr) GetWRefCon(gAnimWindow), nObjUpdate);
- if (oMovement != nMovement)
- SetObjMotionLinear(nMovement);
- if ((nNumObj != oNumObj) || (nSep != oSep) || (oMovement != nMovement))
- SetNumberOfObjects((GEWorldPtr) GetWRefCon(gAnimWindow), nNumObj);
- if (!nMovement) {
- collision = (GetCtlValue(boxCollide) == 1)?true:false;
- SetObjCollision((GEWorldPtr) GetWRefCon(gAnimWindow), collision);
- }
- }
- DisposDialog(frDialog);
- }
- pascal Boolean AboutFilter(DialogPtr dialog, EventRecord *event, short *item)
- {
- #pragma unused (dialog)
- DoWorldUpdate((GEWorldPtr) GetWRefCon(gAnimWindow), false);
- if ((event->what == mouseDown) || (event->what == keyDown)) {
- *item = ok;
- return true;
- }
- else return false;
- }
- void DoAboutBox(void)
- {
- DialogPtr aboutDialog;
- short itemHit;
- ModalFilterUPP aboutFilterPtr = NewModalFilterProc(AboutFilter);
- #else
- ModalFilterProcPtr aboutFilterPtr = AboutFilter;
- #endif
- aboutDialog = GetNewDialog(rAboutDialog, nil, (WindowPtr) -1L);
- ModalDialog(aboutFilterPtr, &itemHit);
- DisposDialog(aboutDialog);
- #if FORPPC
- DisposeRoutineDescriptor(aboutFilterPtr);
- #endif
- }
- //Event Handling
- void EventLoop( void )
- {
- Boolean gotEvent;
- EventRecord event;
- void DoEvent (EventRecord *event);
- void AdjustCursor( void);
- do {
- InsTime( (QElemPtr) &gTTimeTask);
- InsTime( (QElemPtr) &gATimeTask);
- PrimeTime( (QElemPtr) &gTTimeTask, -thirtySeconds);
- if (!gSingleFrame || gDoOne) {
- PrimeTime( (QElemPtr) &gATimeTask, -thirtySeconds);
- (void) PerfControl(thePGlobals, true);
- #endif
- DoWorldUpdate((GEWorldPtr) GetWRefCon(gAnimWindow), false);
- (void) PerfControl(thePGlobals, false);
- #endif
- RmvTime( (QElemPtr) &gATimeTask);
- gAnimTime = (thirtySeconds + gATimeTask.tmCount) / 1000;
- gDoOne = false;
- }
- AdjustCursor();
- if (gotEvent = WaitNextEvent(everyEvent, &event, 0L, nil))
- DoEvent(&event);
- RmvTime( (QElemPtr) &gTTimeTask);
- gTotalTime = (thirtySeconds + gTTimeTask.tmCount) / 1000; //milliseconds
- RunHistogram();
- RunMeterAnimation(gAnimTime);
- } while (!gFinished);
- }
- void DoEvent (EventRecord *event)
- {
- short part;
- WindowPtr window;
- char key;
- long newWSize;
- //Prototypes
- void AdjustMenus( void );
- void DoMenuCommand(long menuResult);
- void DoActivate(WindowPtr window, Boolean becomingActive);
- void DoUpdate(WindowPtr window);
- switch ( event->what ) {
- case mouseDown:
- part = FindWindow(event->where, &window);
- switch ( part ) {
- case inMenuBar:
- StopGETimer((GEWorldPtr) GetWRefCon(gAnimWindow));
- AdjustMenus();
- DoMenuCommand(MenuSelect(event->where));
- StartGETimer((GEWorldPtr) GetWRefCon(gAnimWindow));
- break;
- case inSysWindow:
- SystemClick(event, window);
- break;
- case inContent:
- if ( window != FrontWindow() )
- SelectWindow(window);
- if (MouseDownInSensor((GEWorldPtr) GetWRefCon(gAnimWindow), event->where))
- ;;
- break;
- case inDrag:
- DragWindow(window, event->where, &qd.screenBits.bounds);
- break;
- case inGrow:
- newWSize = GrowWindowConstrained(window, event->where,
- &gWorldLimRect, &gWorldBaseRect);
- SizeWindow(window, LoWord(newWSize), HiWord(newWSize), true);
- ChangeWorldSize(window, LoWord(newWSize), HiWord(newWSize));
- InvalRect(&((GrafPtr)window)->portRect);
- break;
- }
- break;
- case keyDown:
- key = event->message & charCodeMask;
- if ( event->modifiers & cmdKey ) {
- StopGETimer((GEWorldPtr) GetWRefCon(gAnimWindow));
- AdjustMenus();
- DoMenuCommand(MenuKey(key));
- StartGETimer((GEWorldPtr) GetWRefCon(gAnimWindow));
- }
- else {
- switch (key) {
- case 'U':
- case 'u':
- MoveGEWorld((GEWorldPtr) GetWRefCon(gAnimWindow), 0, -50);
- break;
- case 'D':
- case 'd':
- MoveGEWorld((GEWorldPtr) GetWRefCon(gAnimWindow), 0, 50);
- break;
- case 'R':
- case 'r':
- MoveGEWorld((GEWorldPtr) GetWRefCon(gAnimWindow), 50, 0);
- break;
- case 'L':
- case 'l':
- MoveGEWorld((GEWorldPtr) GetWRefCon(gAnimWindow), -50, 0);
- break;
- }
- }
- gDoOne = true;
- break;
- case activateEvt:
- DoActivate((WindowPtr) event->message, (event->modifiers & activeFlag) != 0);
- break;
- case updateEvt:
- DoUpdate((WindowPtr) event->message);
- break;
- case osEvt:
- switch ((event->message >> 24) & 0x0FF) {
- case suspendResumeMessage:
- gInBackground = (event->message & resumeFlag) == 0;
- DoActivate(FrontWindow(), !gInBackground);
- break;
- }
- break;
- }
- }
- void DoActivate(WindowPtr window, Boolean becomingActive)
- {
- #pragma unused (window)
- #pragma unused (becomingActive)
- //Could start and stop animation here
- }
- void DoUpdate(WindowPtr window)
- {
- Rect geRect;
- GEWorldPtr geWorld;
- if (window == gAnimWindow)
- {
- SetPort( (GrafPtr) window );
- //Protect GEWorld rect before updating window, since we will draw it
- geWorld = (GEWorldPtr) GetWRefCon(gAnimWindow);
- geRect = geWorld->animationRect;
- RectOffset(&geRect, geWorld->worldFocus.h, geWorld->worldFocus.v);
- ValidRect(&geRect);
- BeginUpdate(window);
- FillRgn(((GrafPtr) window)->visRgn, (ConstPatternParam) &qd.gray);
- EndUpdate(window);
- DoWorldUpdate((GEWorldPtr) GetWRefCon(gAnimWindow), true);
- }
- }
- void AdjustMenus( void )
- {
- WindowPtr window;
- MenuHandle menu;
- window = FrontWindow();
- menu = GetMHandle(mFile);
- EnableItem(menu, iQuit);
- menu = GetMHandle(mEdit);
- if (window = gAnimWindow) {
- DisableItem(menu, iUndo);
- DisableItem(menu, iCut);
- DisableItem(menu, iCopy);
- DisableItem(menu, iClear);
- DisableItem(menu, iPaste);
- }
- else {
- EnableItem(menu, iUndo);
- EnableItem(menu, iCut);
- EnableItem(menu, iCopy);
- EnableItem(menu, iClear);
- EnableItem(menu, iPaste);
- }
- menu = GetMHandle(mSpecial);
- //Set up special items!
- EnableItem(menu, iSetParams);
- EnableItem(menu, iMeter);
- CheckItem(menu, iMeter, gMeterShown);
- EnableItem(menu, iTiming);
- }
- void DoMenuCommand(long menuResult)
- {
- short menuID;
- short menuItem;
- Str255 daName;
- short daRefNum;
- menuID = HiWord(menuResult);
- menuItem = LoWord(menuResult);
- switch ( menuID ) {
- case mApple:
- switch ( menuItem ) {
- case iAbout:
- DoAboutBox();
- break;
- default: /* all other items in this menu are DAs */
- GetItem(GetMHandle(mApple), menuItem, daName);
- daRefNum = OpenDeskAcc(daName);
- break;
- }
- break;
- case mFile:
- if (menuItem == iQuit)
- gFinished = true;
- break;
- case mEdit:
- (void) SystemEdit(menuItem-1);
- break;
- case mSpecial:
- //Add special items
- switch ( menuItem ) {
- case iSetParams:
- DoSetParams();
- break;
- case iMeter:
- gMeterShown = !gMeterShown;
- ShowElement((GEWorldPtr) GetWRefCon(gAnimWindow), meterBkgID, gMeterShown);
- ShowElement((GEWorldPtr) GetWRefCon(gAnimWindow), meterIndID, gMeterShown);
- break;
- case iTiming:
- DoTimingLoop();
- break;
- case iSingleFrame:
- gSingleFrame = !gSingleFrame;
- break;
- }
- break;
- }
- HiliteMenu(0);
- }
- //Utility routines
- void AdjustCursor( void )
- {
- WindowPtr window;
- window = FrontWindow();
- if ( (window == gAnimWindow) && (!gInBackground) ) {
- SetCursor(&qd.arrow);
- }
- }